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The goals of Community Ambitions are to provide opportunities and experiences which:

  • Maintain existing skills
  • Promote the acquisition of new skills
  • Provide an environment which is conducive to personal growth and emotional well-being and fosters a positive attitude towards self and others
  • Enhance opportunities for vocational and community participation
Our Objectives

The objectives our day service will strive to meet are:

  • Assessing and planning for each individual’s strength and needs through individual program planning and personal choice
  • Providing processes to involve the individual and their support group in the planning and decision making in keeping with the Vulnerable Person’s Act
  • Matching the individual’s abilities and personal choices with leisure, social and vocational activities
  • Providing the support needed to ensure the individual maximizes their involvement in those activities

Developmental Program

The objective of this program is to develop, maintain, and maximize the individual’s skills and functioning in the following areas:

  • Self help
  • Self- care
  • Physical development
  • Emotional growth
  • Socialization
  • Communication
  • Leisure skills
  • Vocational skills
  • Community awareness
  • Mobility in the community